
Story 3 : All that glitters is not gold

One day, Dooby Dog and Suzie Cat went
for a walk. On their way , they saw
something glowing on the road.

"Wow , gold! I want it ," said Dooby.
"Friend , that's not gold. Please
don't touch it ," warned Suzie Cat.

But Suzie went on and took it ,
and held it in his paws.
Ouch! It was an ember! Dooby
burnt his paws , and cried out in
pain , "Ooow! That pains! Somebody
please help me fast!

Just a few seconds later , Suzie
ran to Dooby and said , "Friend ,
I hope you understood that everything
that is beautiful is precious and
good. Come on , lets go to the hospital"

Moral: Everything that is beautiful
is not precious and good.

All stories

Minnu learns something new
The Brave Ant
All that glitters isn't gold
Patience is the mother of wisdom